![]() In March/April 2003 Sheffield Contemporary Art Forum coordinated ART SHEFFIELD 03 – a city-wide contemporary art event which took place within the city's major galleries, project spaces, non-gallery venues and public sites. The programme included contemporary art by national and international artists which related to the urban experience. It was shown in established and newer more unusual venues around the city. Partners in the project are Sheffield Galleries & Museum’s Trust, Site Gallery, S1 Projects, Bloc Space, Lovebytes and other organisations which are engaged both with the international contemporary art world and with a highly active constituency of Sheffield-based artists. Mel Jordan & Andy Hewitt Show Flat aims to question culture-led regeneration by examining the future planning and redevelopment of Sheffield. The artists are to pre-empt the inevitable by redeveloping their studio at S1 into a Show Flat. The studio office will become a small one bedroom first floor apartment with fine views toward Devonshire Green. The Show Flat will act as a place for a series of events, with seminars being held for Architecture students at Sheffield University. T C McCormack T C Mccormack will stage an auto-procession, inspired by celebrations of weddings in southern Europe, all noise and decoration. A group of cars of matching colour will be assembled to follow a set route through the city at night. The cars will be lit from within and partially covered by panels to diffuse the light, so the cavalcade will appear like a procession of travelling lightboxes. The vehicles will play a synchronised audio piece of sampled sounds. The uniformity of colour, light and sound, coupled with the close proximity of the vehicles, will combine to suggest a travelling sculptural form. As an event-spectacle, the auto-cavalcade challenges popular notions of public art. A documentary film of the event will be shown at S1 Artspace. Kieran Brown A performance involving a car, pumpkin crash helmet, roof rack, tannoy loudspeaker, tape player, giant pumpkin and bunting. Kieran will journey along the 'B' roads from Bristol to Sheffield with his giant pumpkin strapped to the top of his car. A performance event based on the bible story of the feeding of the five thousand, one of many legends from history that have changed, objects that have altered through time and migration, something of a Chinese whisper. A film of the event will be shown at S1 Artspace. Kevin Reid Harry Butler has been with artist Kevin Reid for over two years creating adrenaline-fuelled madness. He is a flamboyant alter ego, a part of the artist that comes alive when he slips on the Lycra head sheath and flame red tasselled jump suit. He has taken Reid through 10 feet high flaming Rings of Fire, over the burning wreckage of many a toy police car and jam biscuit meltage. His dulcet tones have been heard in far corners of the globe including Sicily, New York and Germany, and his bravado and truth has touched many a heart and mind. |